Friday, December 18, 2015

How Pain Patients Use Alternative Medicine for Pain Relief

As a result of the expense of prescription drugs as well as their many side-effects and possibilities of dependency, pain suffers in Arizona are looking to complementary and naturopathic medicine for pain relief in Phoenix – and with good reason.

Alternative medicine offers a host of effective solutions for pain relief:
·         Acupuncture An alternative therapy for pain relief with an over 2,000 year history, the nearly painless insertion of tiny, hair-thin needles utilized by acupuncturists stimulate the body to release endogenous opioids – your body’s natural painkillers. The best part? The results last – far longer than the chemicals’ analgesic effect. The stunning results produced by acupuncture have prompted the World Health Organization to include pain on its list of conditions known to benefit from the treatment.
·         Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy options such as steam baths, mineral baths, hydrobaths, sitz baths and sprays, underwater massage, and techniques such as the alternation of water pressure and temperature stimulate the body to release endorphins, relaxing tissues, improving circulation, and reducing pain and muscle spasms.
·         Massage 
Massage not only feels great, its a time-tested method for the treatment of pain. Manipulating the soft tissue of the body not only relaxes the muscles, but stimulates the circulation, lymphatic, and nervous systems as well. It is effective for many kinds of pain including chronic low back pain.
·         Natural remedies
When the above therapies are not enough, pharmaceutical drugs are not your only alternative for pain relief. Natural remedies can also effectively decrease inflammation and provide pain relief. These include homeopathic remedies such as arnica as well as vitamins, minerals, and herbs such as capsaicin, ginger, turmeric, feverfew, and more.

Afraid youre out of options for pain relief? There is hope. Alternative medicine offers fast, effective treatment for pain relief. Find a Phoenix/Scottsdale primary care physician specialized in natural medicine in your area today.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Alternative Medicine Treatments You Should Try -Less

From chronic pain to cholesterol issues, stress and anxiety, the U.S. takes the cake when it comes to prescription medication or over medication as the case may be. More than half our population takes two prescription medications, and 20% of us take at least five. Weve been led to believe theres a magic pill to cure all, yet prescription drugs remain the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S. Whats an ailing Arizonan to do? Turn to Rockwood Natural Medicine Clinic acupuncture and Scottsdale naturopathic alternative medicine to lighten your load!

How an acupuncture and alternative medicine relieve you of your prescription drug burden?
•    Lessening your prescription medicine needs.
Acupuncture is endorsed by the WHO and modern medical research as a proven method for pain relief. It is utilized by the U.S. Army on the battlefield for pain relief and post-traumatic stress, recommended by numerous U.S. drug courts in the treatment of addiction, as well as aids in the healing of a host of additional health issues and disorders.
•    Safer alternatives.
Natural remedies including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, botanical medicines, and homeopathic remedies, offer a safer alternative to side-effect ridden prescription regimens.
•    Reducing costs.
Acupuncture and alternative medicine offer a safer, longer lasting, more cost effective approach to health issues than prescription medication, treating the whole body the primary condition rather than symptoms alone. Over 20 states offer acupuncture in their employee insurance plans.

Prescription medications dragging you down? Lighten your medication load - Scottsdale naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist today!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

How Is Naturopathic Medicine Helpful?

Naturopathic medicine can help you not only with a wide range of health conditions, but in true health care,maintaining a healthy body to prevent disease from interrupting your life.

What kind of issues can Scottsdale naturopathic doctors treat?

•    Colds and flus
Without antibiotics. Miracle? We think not!
•    Chronic fatigue
Naturopathic doctors know how to boost your energy levels – safely!
•    Fibromyalgia and chronic pain
Kiss those pain killers and steroids good-bye for a safer, more effective solution.
•    Digestive issues
From IBS, Crohns and colitis to diarrhea, constipation, and reflux naturopathic medicine has you covered!
•    Skin conditions
Acne, eczema, psoriasis, and more. Clear skin without corticosteroids and antibiotics.
•    Emotional issues
Naturopathic medicine offers hope for anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.
•    Womens health
PMS, menstrual irregularities and pain, menopause, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, fertility issues, abnormal pap smears, and more can be remedied with Phoenix naturopathic and primary care medicine.
•    Cardiovascular issues
Naturopathic doctors with specialized training can help you with an array of cardiovascular diseases including cholesterol issues and high blood pressure.
•    Long-term health problems
Autoimmune conditions, diabetes, and other undiagnosed conditions can all be treated with naturopathic medicine.
•    Cancer…
Any stage of cancer treatment can benefit from the help of naturopathic medicine, from improved quality of life throughout the process of chemotherapy and radiation to improving surgical outcomes and improving your chance of remission.
•    Disease prevention
Naturopathic medicine is more than simply sick care it is well care! Prevent the occurrence of health issues, including inherited family illness, with the help of alternative medicine.

Dont see your health issue on the list? Naturopathic medicine can help! Find a naturopathic doctor near you and find out more today.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

For Full-Body Health, You Need More Than Just a Cardiologist or Surgeon

Integrative medicine combines the best of two worlds, the conventional medical knowledge and treatment widely known in the US, and the non-conventional or holistic medical knowledge of whole-body nutrition and global health knowledge. With conventional medical methods, acute health problems can be effectively treated, but for rebuilding your body's strength and balance, you need more than just a cardiologist.
The main cause of heart attacks is atherosclerosis, a disease of the artery wall. When plaque in an artery becomes too thick, it can block blood flow, or a clot can form, causing a heart attack or stroke. Often, heart disease has no symptoms until the first heart attack. However, early screening can help identify problems and plaque build up in the arteries can be reversed.
At the same time, many cardiac patients are looking for alternatives to statin drugs such as Lipitor, Crestor and Zocor. Statins certainly help with lowering blood cholesterol, but do not do the prevention work of clearing plaque from the arteries.
Naturopathic medical treatment goes beyond treating the symptoms, and investigates the underlying imbalances that brought about the medical condition. Often, our stressful modern-day lifestyles set forth imbalances that we can change, such as diet, toxins in our system, stressors in our lives. Herbal medicines used for hundreds, even thousands of years in the Ayurvedic and Chinese Traditional Medicine systems and nutrients studied and used globally can do much to restore the body's equilibrium and its natural state of health. Such remedies for heart health may include:
·  Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients such as magnesium, B vitamins, and CoQ-10 can rebuild and re-energize the cardiovascular system
·  Omega-3 fatty acids can help in reversing heart damage
·  Proteolytic enzymes and chelation compounds, such as  cilantro and chlorella, can clean out the coronary arteries and repair damage
·  Natural substances such as hawthorn berry can help strengthen the heart
·  Proper dental care and the use of a wide variety of herbal compounds can reduce the incidence of periodontal disease, which is directly related to heart health
·  Nutrition can build the immune system, thereby protecting the cardiovascular system
·  Regular exercise can strengthen the heart and improve its efficiency   
Our patients have found that natural therapies can have a profound effect on lessening dependence on pharmaceutical drugs, as well as giving them a greater sense of health and well-being.
We have helped patients throughout the world in this specialty so if interested in learning more, please contact our clinic  which is conveniently located in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Naturopathic Treatment Options for Hemorrhoids

Do you suffer from the pain of hemorrhoids or anal fissures? Perhaps you've suffered for years because you've been too embarrassed to seek treatment. Or you've been scared away from even the idea of treatment because of horror stories you've heard about having surgery to try to correct them.
Well, now you can stop suffering and eliminate your hemorrhoids or anal fissures in a natural, pain-free way. Non-surgical treatments have been around since 1860, but now they've been refined for better treatment results.

We offer three methods of non-invasive treatment:

The Keesey method
This in-office procedure involves applying an electrical micro-current directly to the affected area. After just 8 - 12 minutes, blood flow is cut off to the hemorrhoid. Normal activities can resume immediately afterwards and the hemorrhoid disappears completely within two weeks. 

Infra-red coagulation (IRC)  
This method works well for internal hemorrhoids that are small to medium in size. An intense beam of infrared light coagulates the hemorrhoid and creates scar tissue. It's this scar tissue that cuts off the supply of blood to the hemorrhoid. New tissue then grows that helps prevent the formation of any new hemorrhoids.

Dr. Kruzel's herbal fissure cream
This specially prepared herbal cream, working in conjunction with other homeopathic medicines, decreases the amount of bleeding, alleviates pain, and facilitates the healing of anal fissures. Making dietary changes will help prevent their return. 

The naturopathic doctors at our clinic in Scottsdale can help you with other steps to take in the non-invasive treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
Just a few of these include:
·  Proper diet and supplements
·  Topical creams and other homeopathic remedies
·  Sitz baths and correct toileting techniques
Don't live in pain or fear of surgery any longer

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Can primary care physicians also be naturopaths?

People often ask us, “Why choose a primary care physician who is also a naturopath?” The answer, surprisingly, isn’t as complex as one might think!

In many ways, the current-day relationship between traditional medicine and naturopathy has never been more compatible. For example, conventional doctors presently incorporate into their medical paradigm the idea of using certain foods to prevent diseases such as cancer, though even a mere thirty years ago this connection between food and health had not yet been fully recognized by traditional medicine.

So the fact is, people whose doctors have advised them to eat fruits and vegetables to guard against cancer have been given medical advice that in recent years might have been considered to be alternative medicine. Many people feel that this is only the beginning—that conventional and natural medicines will continue to become less and less at odds, until one day each will fully validate the other.

Certainly for our group of doctors in Arizona, that day has already arrived! At the Rockwood Natural Medicine Clinic, you’ll find our naturopaths and  primary care physicians to be a group of caring and experienced professionals who specialize in keeping an open mind—supplementing the latest treatments in conventional medicine with emerging naturopathic resources that are, more likely, the re-emergence of age-old and time-tested natural traditions.

With the expertise gained from years of experience in both styles of medicine, our team at Rockwood specializes in a blending of perspectives, a merger which we believe strengthens both sides and creates a united front against disease. Don’t hesitate to call us today to learn more about the advantages of choosing a primary care physician who is also a naturopath. Feel free, also, to visit us online at or at your convenience if you’d like more information.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Is a Licensed Naturopathic REALLY a Doctor?

You finally found the perfect complementary and alternative medicine practice – a naturopathic medicine clinic (ND). Your thrilled with your new healthcare guru, until your friend (you know, the one that has no inner “filter”) says, “A naturopathic doctor? That’s not really a doctor, is it?”
Au contraire Mon frère!
  • Your naturopathic doctor is not a witch doctor.
    No magic wands. No potions. No tarot cards or magic 8 balls…
  • Your naturopathic doctor has a license.
    NDs are licensed in 16 states, 2 U.S. territories, and 5 Canadian provinces. They’ve gone to real medical school and taken real board exams.
  • Your licensed naturopathic doctor has had SIGNIFICANT scientific medical training.
    NDs attending accredited naturopathic medical colleges, like conventional medical colleges, need a bachelor’s degree, a competitive GPA in scientific prerequisites, complete comparable course week and training (both in subjects and hours). They learn anatomy, physiology, pathology, and biochemistry, as well as the same labs, physical exams, and medical imaging taught in other medical schools.
  • Your naturopathic doctor is licensed to treat a variety of conditions.
    Depending on the state, NDs are licensed to offer everything from dietary advice to pharmaceuticals – they can even suture your wounds!
  • Your naturopathic doctor could prescribe prescription medications, but probably won’t except as a last resort.
    They have
    better tools in their arsenal, favouring natural and low-force intervention such as dietary changes, exercise, supplements, herbs, and homeopathy.
  • Your naturopathic doctor is not against “conventional” medicine.
    Naturopathic doctors understand that health care is best provided by a team. Specialists and other medical providers are necessary for many conditions outside their scope, such as emergency situations, surgeries, and cardiology.

So your friends not in the know – give them the 4-1-1. If they’re not hearing it, it’s their loss. Naturopathic medicine is real, and it works. The proof: it’s increasingly becoming more “conventional” every day. Ignore your filter-less friend, and stay the course. You’ll be well on your way to health, and they’ll be rethinking their preconceived notions as they watch you flourish.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Why Conventional Healthcare May End Up Sitting on the Sidelines PART 2

Why Conventional Healthcare May End Up Sitting on the Sidelines PART 2?
Additional advantages to alternative medicine include…
  • An open-minded approach.
    Practitioners of
    naturopathic medicine are quick to identify the need for multiple therapeutic approaches in meeting patients’ healthcare goals. That it is logical to incorporate health strategies from a wide array of proven approaches, and thus are willing and able to work in tandem with multiple practitioners and modalities.
  • More personalized practitioner/patient relationships.
    Naturopathic practitioners recognize the critical nature of their relationship with patients. Not only is the amount of time doctors spend with patients associated with overall patient satisfaction, naturopathic physicians recognize this time investment as necessary for piecing together a complete knowledge base for each patient. They understand rushed, impersonal meetings do not create an adequate picture – or produce adequate results.
  • Natural solutions counter consumer distrust of prescription medicines.
    Inflated pricing of much needed medication. Direct to consumer marketing. Mandatory vaccinations. Side effects and adverse reactions leading to prescription drugs becoming the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S. with over 100,000 deaths per year. All these things and more are leading today’s savvy consumer to the safer, far less costly alternatives naturopathic medicine offers.
  • Proven efficacy.
    As major medical journals continue to publish research on the
    efficacy of complementary and alternative treatments, patients aren’t the only ones climbing on the bandwagon. Conventional physicians are increasingly recommending treatment and incorporating naturopathic medicine into their clinics as well.

Don’t get benched by your health issues. Naturopathic medicine can help. Find a quality naturopath practitioner in your area today!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Why Conventional Healthcare May End Up Sitting on the Sidelines PART 1

Naturopathic medicine is booming in AZ, its popularity fueled by the many advantages it offers over the traditional healthcare model. Disenchanted with many facets of standard all medical care, individuals yearning for a patient centered doctors, more individualized approach and more NATURAL approach to their healthcare needs are finding those needs met in Arizona naturopathic alternatives in medicine.

Who is nuzzling up to naturopathy?
According to studies from multiple sources, including the NIH, NCCIH, and CDC, people are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of naturopathic medicine, flocking to providers to find relief to issues from stress and chronic pain to more serious internal conditions. How commonly is it used? A 2008 study showed approximately 4 in 10 adults and 1 in 9 children use some form of complementary and alternative medicine – and those numbers are expected to rise significantly.

What are the advantages of going alternative?
  • A focus on health and wellness – not sick care.
    As opposed to merely reacting to disease and imbalance, the goal of naturopathic medicine is the maintenance of health and wellness through the restoration of balance or homeostasis. This is accomplished by  addressing the needs of the whole body from mind and spirit down to the flesh, bones, and organs. Naturopathic physicians take a holistic approach that is a more logical and desirable solution than an hour office wait, 10 minute doctor consult, and the dispensing of side-effect ridden prescriptions.
  • Immersion in a healthful lifestyle.
    Personal responsibility in the form of adequate exercise and sleep, proper diet, sufficient sun exposure, stress reduction, and nurturing the self and relationships form the foundation for health in natural and alternative medicine.
  • Customizable treatment options.
    Naturopathic medicine does not take a one-size-fits-all approach. “Illness A” does not automatically equate to “antibiotic or drug B.” Treatment plans and options vary from person to person based upon individual presentations and needs rather than the same disease, same treatment protocols commonly encountered.

What else are naturopathic and alternative medical practitioners offering that is rallying the team in communities nationwide?
 Stay tuned for: Why Conventional Healthcare May End Up Sitting on the Sidelines PART 2...

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Is Choosing an Alternative Medicine Practitioner Freaking You Out?

Don't let the theme song from the Twilight Zone blast through your head at the idea of choosing an alternative medicine practitioner. There’s nothing strange about alternative medicine and naturopathy – or those that practice it. And you don’t need a degree in these healing arts to find the perfect practitioner to meet your health care needs.  

Selection 101: It’s not that different from choosing other types of healthcare providers

  • Get a referral.
    Ask your doctor, other healthcare providers, or insurance company if they have a list of alternative medicine and naturopathic medical practitioners they would recommend in your area.
  • Contact local organizations.
    Looking for a particularly modality, like naturopathy? National organizations such as the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and local professional organizations such as the Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association will have a list of practitioners in your area.
  • Check credentials.
    You wouldn’t go to a doctor whose degree was in automotive repair. Ditto for alternative medicine practitioners. Once you identify potential prospects, look into their education, training, licensing, and certifications. Credentials vary by discipline – and by state – so you may need to do a bit of research to verify necessary requirements.
  • Go for team players.
    Choose a practitioner who is willing – or better yet comfortable – at working together with your conventional healthcare providers. Communication and cooperation ensures safe, coordinated care.
  • Make sure they’re in the know.
    Does the practitioner have specialized training or prior experience in working with individuals with your condition? Are they aware of available research as to how their modality can treat your condition? Choosing a practitioner that is familiar with your situation and understands how to handle your specific needs is key to safe and successful treatment results.
  • Don’t assume insurance coverage.
    While some coverage is usually available for alternative medical modalities (massage, acupuncture, chiropractic), not all approaches may be covered by your insurance provider. Request alternative healthcare providers verify insurance coverage (or lack thereof) prior to your visit. This will help curtail unexpected costs and frustration.  

Think you’ve found the perfect practitioner?
Get a treatment! Meeting your practitioner in person and getting a treatment is the best way to find out if it’s a match made in heaven – or if another search is in your future. When it’s the right fit, you just know.

Start the path to superior health. Find a great alternative medicine and naturopathic medical practitioner in your area today!