You finally found the perfect complementary and alternative medicine
practice – a naturopathic medicine clinic
(ND). Your thrilled with your new healthcare guru, until your friend
(you know, the one that has no inner “filter”) says, “A naturopathic doctor?
That’s not really a doctor, is it?”
Au contraire Mon frère!
- Your naturopathic doctor is not a witch
No magic wands. No potions. No tarot cards or magic 8 balls…
- Your
naturopathic doctor has a license.
NDs are licensed in 16 states, 2 U.S. territories, and 5 Canadian provinces. They’ve gone to real medical school and taken real board exams.
- Your
licensed naturopathic doctor has had
SIGNIFICANT scientific medical training.
NDs attending accredited naturopathic medical colleges, like conventional medical colleges, need a bachelor’s degree, a competitive GPA in scientific prerequisites, complete comparable course week and training (both in subjects and hours). They learn anatomy, physiology, pathology, and biochemistry, as well as the same labs, physical exams, and medical imaging taught in other medical schools.
- Your
naturopathic doctor is licensed to treat a variety of conditions.
Depending on the state, NDs are licensed to offer everything from dietary advice to pharmaceuticals – they can even suture your wounds!
- Your
naturopathic doctor could prescribe prescription medications, but probably
won’t except as a last resort.
They have better tools in their arsenal, favouring natural and low-force intervention such as dietary changes, exercise, supplements, herbs, and homeopathy.
- Your naturopathic
doctor is not against “conventional” medicine.
Naturopathic doctors understand that health care is best provided by a team. Specialists and other medical providers are necessary for many conditions outside their scope, such as emergency situations, surgeries, and cardiology.
So your friends not in the know – give them the 4-1-1. If they’re not
hearing it, it’s their loss. Naturopathic medicine is real, and it works. The
proof: it’s increasingly becoming more “conventional” every day. Ignore your
filter-less friend, and stay the course. You’ll be well on your way to health,
and they’ll be rethinking their preconceived notions as they watch you
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