Wednesday, November 18, 2015

For Full-Body Health, You Need More Than Just a Cardiologist or Surgeon

Integrative medicine combines the best of two worlds, the conventional medical knowledge and treatment widely known in the US, and the non-conventional or holistic medical knowledge of whole-body nutrition and global health knowledge. With conventional medical methods, acute health problems can be effectively treated, but for rebuilding your body's strength and balance, you need more than just a cardiologist.
The main cause of heart attacks is atherosclerosis, a disease of the artery wall. When plaque in an artery becomes too thick, it can block blood flow, or a clot can form, causing a heart attack or stroke. Often, heart disease has no symptoms until the first heart attack. However, early screening can help identify problems and plaque build up in the arteries can be reversed.
At the same time, many cardiac patients are looking for alternatives to statin drugs such as Lipitor, Crestor and Zocor. Statins certainly help with lowering blood cholesterol, but do not do the prevention work of clearing plaque from the arteries.
Naturopathic medical treatment goes beyond treating the symptoms, and investigates the underlying imbalances that brought about the medical condition. Often, our stressful modern-day lifestyles set forth imbalances that we can change, such as diet, toxins in our system, stressors in our lives. Herbal medicines used for hundreds, even thousands of years in the Ayurvedic and Chinese Traditional Medicine systems and nutrients studied and used globally can do much to restore the body's equilibrium and its natural state of health. Such remedies for heart health may include:
·  Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients such as magnesium, B vitamins, and CoQ-10 can rebuild and re-energize the cardiovascular system
·  Omega-3 fatty acids can help in reversing heart damage
·  Proteolytic enzymes and chelation compounds, such as  cilantro and chlorella, can clean out the coronary arteries and repair damage
·  Natural substances such as hawthorn berry can help strengthen the heart
·  Proper dental care and the use of a wide variety of herbal compounds can reduce the incidence of periodontal disease, which is directly related to heart health
·  Nutrition can build the immune system, thereby protecting the cardiovascular system
·  Regular exercise can strengthen the heart and improve its efficiency   
Our patients have found that natural therapies can have a profound effect on lessening dependence on pharmaceutical drugs, as well as giving them a greater sense of health and well-being.
We have helped patients throughout the world in this specialty so if interested in learning more, please contact our clinic  which is conveniently located in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Naturopathic Treatment Options for Hemorrhoids

Do you suffer from the pain of hemorrhoids or anal fissures? Perhaps you've suffered for years because you've been too embarrassed to seek treatment. Or you've been scared away from even the idea of treatment because of horror stories you've heard about having surgery to try to correct them.
Well, now you can stop suffering and eliminate your hemorrhoids or anal fissures in a natural, pain-free way. Non-surgical treatments have been around since 1860, but now they've been refined for better treatment results.

We offer three methods of non-invasive treatment:

The Keesey method
This in-office procedure involves applying an electrical micro-current directly to the affected area. After just 8 - 12 minutes, blood flow is cut off to the hemorrhoid. Normal activities can resume immediately afterwards and the hemorrhoid disappears completely within two weeks. 

Infra-red coagulation (IRC)  
This method works well for internal hemorrhoids that are small to medium in size. An intense beam of infrared light coagulates the hemorrhoid and creates scar tissue. It's this scar tissue that cuts off the supply of blood to the hemorrhoid. New tissue then grows that helps prevent the formation of any new hemorrhoids.

Dr. Kruzel's herbal fissure cream
This specially prepared herbal cream, working in conjunction with other homeopathic medicines, decreases the amount of bleeding, alleviates pain, and facilitates the healing of anal fissures. Making dietary changes will help prevent their return. 

The naturopathic doctors at our clinic in Scottsdale can help you with other steps to take in the non-invasive treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
Just a few of these include:
·  Proper diet and supplements
·  Topical creams and other homeopathic remedies
·  Sitz baths and correct toileting techniques
Don't live in pain or fear of surgery any longer