Thursday, December 10, 2015

Alternative Medicine Treatments You Should Try -Less

From chronic pain to cholesterol issues, stress and anxiety, the U.S. takes the cake when it comes to prescription medication or over medication as the case may be. More than half our population takes two prescription medications, and 20% of us take at least five. Weve been led to believe theres a magic pill to cure all, yet prescription drugs remain the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S. Whats an ailing Arizonan to do? Turn to Rockwood Natural Medicine Clinic acupuncture and Scottsdale naturopathic alternative medicine to lighten your load!

How an acupuncture and alternative medicine relieve you of your prescription drug burden?
•    Lessening your prescription medicine needs.
Acupuncture is endorsed by the WHO and modern medical research as a proven method for pain relief. It is utilized by the U.S. Army on the battlefield for pain relief and post-traumatic stress, recommended by numerous U.S. drug courts in the treatment of addiction, as well as aids in the healing of a host of additional health issues and disorders.
•    Safer alternatives.
Natural remedies including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, botanical medicines, and homeopathic remedies, offer a safer alternative to side-effect ridden prescription regimens.
•    Reducing costs.
Acupuncture and alternative medicine offer a safer, longer lasting, more cost effective approach to health issues than prescription medication, treating the whole body the primary condition rather than symptoms alone. Over 20 states offer acupuncture in their employee insurance plans.

Prescription medications dragging you down? Lighten your medication load - Scottsdale naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist today!

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