Friday, December 18, 2015

How Pain Patients Use Alternative Medicine for Pain Relief

As a result of the expense of prescription drugs as well as their many side-effects and possibilities of dependency, pain suffers in Arizona are looking to complementary and naturopathic medicine for pain relief in Phoenix – and with good reason.

Alternative medicine offers a host of effective solutions for pain relief:
·         Acupuncture An alternative therapy for pain relief with an over 2,000 year history, the nearly painless insertion of tiny, hair-thin needles utilized by acupuncturists stimulate the body to release endogenous opioids – your body’s natural painkillers. The best part? The results last – far longer than the chemicals’ analgesic effect. The stunning results produced by acupuncture have prompted the World Health Organization to include pain on its list of conditions known to benefit from the treatment.
·         Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy options such as steam baths, mineral baths, hydrobaths, sitz baths and sprays, underwater massage, and techniques such as the alternation of water pressure and temperature stimulate the body to release endorphins, relaxing tissues, improving circulation, and reducing pain and muscle spasms.
·         Massage 
Massage not only feels great, its a time-tested method for the treatment of pain. Manipulating the soft tissue of the body not only relaxes the muscles, but stimulates the circulation, lymphatic, and nervous systems as well. It is effective for many kinds of pain including chronic low back pain.
·         Natural remedies
When the above therapies are not enough, pharmaceutical drugs are not your only alternative for pain relief. Natural remedies can also effectively decrease inflammation and provide pain relief. These include homeopathic remedies such as arnica as well as vitamins, minerals, and herbs such as capsaicin, ginger, turmeric, feverfew, and more.

Afraid youre out of options for pain relief? There is hope. Alternative medicine offers fast, effective treatment for pain relief. Find a Phoenix/Scottsdale primary care physician specialized in natural medicine in your area today.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Alternative Medicine Treatments You Should Try -Less

From chronic pain to cholesterol issues, stress and anxiety, the U.S. takes the cake when it comes to prescription medication or over medication as the case may be. More than half our population takes two prescription medications, and 20% of us take at least five. Weve been led to believe theres a magic pill to cure all, yet prescription drugs remain the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S. Whats an ailing Arizonan to do? Turn to Rockwood Natural Medicine Clinic acupuncture and Scottsdale naturopathic alternative medicine to lighten your load!

How an acupuncture and alternative medicine relieve you of your prescription drug burden?
•    Lessening your prescription medicine needs.
Acupuncture is endorsed by the WHO and modern medical research as a proven method for pain relief. It is utilized by the U.S. Army on the battlefield for pain relief and post-traumatic stress, recommended by numerous U.S. drug courts in the treatment of addiction, as well as aids in the healing of a host of additional health issues and disorders.
•    Safer alternatives.
Natural remedies including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, botanical medicines, and homeopathic remedies, offer a safer alternative to side-effect ridden prescription regimens.
•    Reducing costs.
Acupuncture and alternative medicine offer a safer, longer lasting, more cost effective approach to health issues than prescription medication, treating the whole body the primary condition rather than symptoms alone. Over 20 states offer acupuncture in their employee insurance plans.

Prescription medications dragging you down? Lighten your medication load - Scottsdale naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist today!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

How Is Naturopathic Medicine Helpful?

Naturopathic medicine can help you not only with a wide range of health conditions, but in true health care,maintaining a healthy body to prevent disease from interrupting your life.

What kind of issues can Scottsdale naturopathic doctors treat?

•    Colds and flus
Without antibiotics. Miracle? We think not!
•    Chronic fatigue
Naturopathic doctors know how to boost your energy levels – safely!
•    Fibromyalgia and chronic pain
Kiss those pain killers and steroids good-bye for a safer, more effective solution.
•    Digestive issues
From IBS, Crohns and colitis to diarrhea, constipation, and reflux naturopathic medicine has you covered!
•    Skin conditions
Acne, eczema, psoriasis, and more. Clear skin without corticosteroids and antibiotics.
•    Emotional issues
Naturopathic medicine offers hope for anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.
•    Womens health
PMS, menstrual irregularities and pain, menopause, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, fertility issues, abnormal pap smears, and more can be remedied with Phoenix naturopathic and primary care medicine.
•    Cardiovascular issues
Naturopathic doctors with specialized training can help you with an array of cardiovascular diseases including cholesterol issues and high blood pressure.
•    Long-term health problems
Autoimmune conditions, diabetes, and other undiagnosed conditions can all be treated with naturopathic medicine.
•    Cancer…
Any stage of cancer treatment can benefit from the help of naturopathic medicine, from improved quality of life throughout the process of chemotherapy and radiation to improving surgical outcomes and improving your chance of remission.
•    Disease prevention
Naturopathic medicine is more than simply sick care it is well care! Prevent the occurrence of health issues, including inherited family illness, with the help of alternative medicine.

Dont see your health issue on the list? Naturopathic medicine can help! Find a naturopathic doctor near you and find out more today.