When it comes to complementary and
alternative medicine (CAM), the elderly are taking a backseat to nobody.
According to an AARP and NCCAM survey, over half (53%) of older adults use some
form of CAM, making Scottsdale Alternative Medicine popular.
Who’s Driving the Trend?Studies report the use of CAM increases with education, and women are more likely to take advantage of CAM than men: 51 to 43%, respectively. Broken down by age range, a large percentage of the population is taking advantage of CAM’s many benefits:
- 44.1% of 50-59 year olds.
- 41% of 60-69 year olds.
- 32.1% of 70-84 year olds.
- 24.2% of those 85 and older.
- Herbs and SupplementsHerbal products and dietary supplements are commonly used, with just over a third (37 percent) of respondents reporting their use for maintaining health and managing illnesses.
- AcupunctureEffective and non-invasive, especially when compared to surgery, this ancient practice can restore and balance energy flow. A wonderful non-surgical treatment for many issues, from constitutional disorders to pain, and especially effective when used in conjunction with chiropractic and/or massage therapy.
- Dietary TherapyThe aging population is more frequently turning to CAM professionals for help implementing a more natural, holistic diet better suited to supporting a healthy constitution than today’s typical chemical laden, processed food fare.
- Mind-Body MedicineA variety of techniques ranging from patient support groups to cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation and prayer, as well as the use of other creative outlets such as art, music, and dance, have been shown both popular and effective for a wide range of health disorders.